Faculty Writing Workshop: One Day

Faculty Writing Workshop: One-Day Grab-and-Go Writing Activities

Following four successful rounds of the two-day faculty writing workshop, Dr. Linda C. Mitchell, Professor in the Department of English, and Michelle Hager, Director of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Writing Center and Lecturer in the Department of English, developed a one day writing workshop designed to give professors a collection of 20-minute grab-and-go activities for the classroom. 

The workshop will be a one-day event. During the morning session, facilitators will model grab-and-go activities, and participants will work on refining their activities. During the afternoon session, participants will present their activities to the entire group and receive feedback. 

Attending either the one-day or the two-day workshop will allow 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty to apply for a course release through the AANAPISI Grant. 

The first round of the workshop was held November 15, 2013. The second round of the workshop was June 11, 2014 

The workshops have concluded, but the lesson plans created during the five years of the grant are still available for use.

Grab-and-Go Activities

Here you will find all of the activities created and refined during the one-day workshops. These activities are created by members of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty from several disciplines. 

View or Download an Activity