Entrance Auditions

IMPORTANT: Please read our How to Apply 网页提供申请上海外国语大学及音乐舞蹈学院的资料.


  • Saturday, February 10, 2024 — School of Music, 菠菜网lol正规平台
  • Saturday, February 24, 2024 — School of Music, 菠菜网lol正规平台


  • Saturday, March 2, 2024 — Irvine Valley College

Deadline for video audition submission for Fall 2024:

  • Sunday, March 3, 2024

其他试镜时间可以根据个人情况提供. Contact the School of Music recruitment office at (408) 924-4673 or musicrecruitment@tb35018.net

重要提示:经常查看您的电子邮件,以获取菠菜网lol正规平台和音乐学院的通信 about scheduling your audition.

注意:合奏试镜是入学试镜的一部分,并且会举行 在秋季学期第一天上课之前. Exact dates and times will listed on the website under the appropriate ensemble. Please contact ensemble directors for more details.

Applied Music Placement

每个音乐专业的学生必须声明,并得到相应的应用音乐委员会的批准, 主要表现为媒介,并在以下方面进行持续研究 areas:

Brass Woodwinds Strings Piano Percussion Voice
Horn Flute Violin      
Trumpet Oboe Viola      
Trombone Bassoon Cello      
Euphonium Clarinet Bass (Acoustic/Electric)      
Tuba Saxophone Harp      
    Guitar (Acoustic/Electric)      


菠菜网lol正规平台 jazz musicians perform together.

Performance Level Placement

对于转学生,你的试镜将会把每个学生安排在以下的一个位置 符合音乐课程表演标准的水平;

Level Year of Study

Level One

Freshman, First Semester

Level Two

Freshman, Second Semester

Level Three

Sophomore, First Semester

Level Four

Sophomore, Second Semester

Level Five*

Junior, First Semester

Level Six

Junior, Second Semester

Level Seven

Senior, First Semester

Level Eight

Senior, Second Semester

Level Nine

Graduate, Unclassified

Level Ten

Graduate, Classified

学生可能被安排在低于其大学成绩的申请级别. Once any 补习完成后,学生可以要求调到更高的成绩 level at their regular semester-end applied jury. 

*所有学生必须在进入级别之前通过菠菜网lol正规平台初级资格赛评审 five or above.

A woman plays a grand piano.

Suggested Audition Literature

面试者将准备各种各样的选择,总共大约20到30个 minutes.

Here is a list of suggested audition materials.

Musicians on stage.


虽然音乐技术的重点可以从大一开始宣布,入学 个人工作室艺术指导和进入高年级的许可 standing is predicated upon the following:

  • 成功完成一年级乐器应用课程的要求 or voice.
  • 完成MUSC 170A, 170B和167,成绩为B-或更高.
  • 展示至少一个现场合奏的精心制作的音频cd组合 音乐会和一个完整的录音室录音涉及多个乐器,声音,和/或 sound effects, each over one half-hour in length.
  • 展示原创声音组合和/或组合媒体技术的简短项目.

Orchestra performing together on stage.

Major Ensemble Auditions

所有音乐专业的本科学士都必须参加一个表演合奏团 semester they are enrolled in Music. All students enrolled in applied lessons must be enrolled in a performance ensemble. Graduate students may apply 3 units of ensemble credit to the graduate requirements of 30 units.

For more information on each ensemble, see Performance Ensembles.

Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion

管乐团、交响乐团和交响乐团是合适的表演 ensembles. Students must play a prepared piece and sightread.  Auditions take place the two days before classes begin each semester.


Orchestra is the appropriate performing ensemble. Students must play a prepared piece and sightread. 试镜在每学期开课前两天进行.

Vocal Majors

Concert Choir is the appropriate performing ensemble. Auditions take place the two days before classes begin each semester.

Jazz Studies


Piano Students

Consult with the Area Coordinator for Keyboard Studies for appropriate major ensembles. 

Make-up Ensemble Auditions

错过合奏试镜的学生应与指挥联系 the ensemble for information on make-up auditions. Make-up auditions might not be 在所有地区排期,在这种情况下,学生的试镜将推迟到 the following semester. 因此,同学们应该在试镜期间尽一切努力 scheduled audition times.

Music theory and Ear-Training

Music Theory and Ear-Training Placement Examination


课程开始前几周将在网上进行分班考试 在秋季学期的课程,以及音乐学院9和9年级的第一次会议期间 MUSC 1A.  你在分班考试中的成绩将决定你是否将在MUSC开始 9 (Music Fundamentals) or MUSC 1A (Music Theory 1). Both MUSC 9 and MUSC 1A meet at the same time; you may register for either,并将在第一天的课程结束后被安排在适当的小组. If 如果你没有完成分班考试,你将被安排到音乐学院9年级.

以下的目的是帮助进入音乐专业更好地准备自己 for freshman level music classes. While much of this material will be discussed and 在课堂上复习,这是学生的最大利益,有一个实用的知识 还要熟悉一些理论,术语和音乐史.


  1. 阅读高音和低音谱号的标准乐谱;
  2. 理解音符和休止符的基本节奏符号;
  3. Knowing major and minor key signatures;
  4. 理解与音阶(音阶模式)相关的全音和半音;
  5. Understanding simple triads (three-note chords);
  6. 理解与节奏、风格和演奏相关的基本音乐术语;
  7. 了解音乐时期的简要概述和重要的基本知识 composers from each era.
  8. 如需其他参考资料,请参考以下来源.

Study Sources (a very partial list)

  • Tagg, Philip. 日常调性II(朝向大多数人听到的调性理论).New York & Huddersfield: The Mass 媒体音乐学者出版社,2014下载PDF文本在这里(付款后约 $7 or 5 British Pounds):.


  • Open Music Theory (一个开源的、互动的、在线的“文本”书,用于大学水平的音乐理论课程)
  • Musictheory.net 提供免费的内容-课程和考试-在编号项目中列出的内容 (#1-6) shown above.
  • Online Music Theory Flash Cards are helpful with testing yourself on music rudiments.
  • Berkelee's free Music Theory Handbook
  • YouTube's Basic Music Theory
  • eTheory: Music Theory Fundamentals in Four WeekseTheory是伊士曼音乐学院的在线课程,非伊士曼学生也可以使用 为学生介绍理论基础,包括音程、对位法、 chords and figured bass, and phrase models. The online course includes over 200 sets 对写、弹、听、唱、指挥等方面的练习,提供了立竿见影的效果 feedback on all new concepts ($97)

Transfer Students

Contact Dr. Pablo Furman for information regarding placement examination.

转学生注意事项:请注意您以前的教育机构 可与上海外国语大学签订“课程对课程衔接协议”. This agreement may 确定你的音乐理论和音乐水平的安置水平. Many agreements include 条款“须完成理论分班考试”." If you have questions 关于你以前的教育机构与 菠菜网lol正规平台, please see the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Articulation page.