Student Laboratory Assistant

Graduate Assistant

Subject to Budgetary Approval


Under immediate supervision, the Graduate Assistant (GA) assists a regular faculty member or the teaching staff with various professional and technical duties associated generally with the subjects or programs in which the assistant is doing graduate work.

This position is distinguished from other types of position, as the Graduate Assistant provides professional non-teaching assistance to faculty members. Graduate Assistant work may involve training students in the use of equipment or other resources; assisting faculty with research and preparation of course materials; participating in the evaluation of students’ work; tutoring students; supervising students in a classroom, workshop, or laboratory (where final responsibility for the class and its entire instruction, including the performance of the Graduate Assistant, is vested in a member of the faculty), and other related work. Graduate Assistants are not responsible for the instructional content of a course, selecting student assignments, planning of examinations, determining the term grade for students, instructing the entire enrollment of a course, or providing the entire instruction of a group of students enrolled in a course. 

Minimum Qualifications

  • Knowledge of the subject matter of the discipline to which the individual is assigned;
  • Ability to relate well to others within the academic environment;
  • Ability to supervise, assist, and train students; 
  • Ability to assist faculty in the conduct of special projects/research within the discipline. 
  • Evidence of satisfactory achievement in previous academic work. 
  • Equivalent to or completion of the requirements for a bachelor’s degree and concurrent admission to or enrollment in a graduate degree program of the university that is related to the discipline to which the individual is assigned. 
  • Graduate students must be in good academic standing and have adequate academic experience.


Application Procedures

Contact a member of the faculty to inquire about the availability of GA position in their research group, and to express your interest in the position. Submit your latest resume/CV and a brief statement of purpose, explaining why you think you would be uniquely qualified for that position. Applications will be screened on an as-received 基础.


Applicants will be screened according to their academic performance and the extent to which they meet the qualifications described above.


Last revised January 2021.