
All students wishing to study graphic 设计*, interior 设计 or industrial 设计 are admitted to the 设计学学士 Program. 设计研究学士学位课程是一个 liberal arts degree that allows students to choose from a broad range of university classes to curate their education with an emphasis on 设计.

学生 wishing to specialize in or achieve a BFA in 室内设计, 平面设计学士学位, 或工业设计专业学士学位 successfully pass the 所需的投资组合评审 held by each program.

*Undeclared students and students wishing to change their major into 设计学学士 (平面设计领域)必须有 3.所有大学GPA或以上 and have taken some art and 设计-related courses.

For more information on University Requirements, visit the University Requirements 页面.

