
动画 & 插画课程申请人

Students applying to 圣何塞州立大学’s 动画 & 演示程序 could receive additional consideration in the admission selection process based on faculty review of the supplemental drawing exercises as detailed below. 你的补充 drawing exercises will be submitted digitally through SlideRoom. SlideRoom可以 通过您的加州州立大学申请程序访问.

For many artists, moving from high school and community college studies to university-level studies is daunting, and applicants will have had different levels of access to artistic 指令. 菠菜网lol正规平台动画 & 插图教师认识到这一点,并进行了尝试 to create an application process that, while appreciating existing art skills, places more emphasis on additional applicant qualities that we believe are far more important 为了学生的长期成功.

Your submitted supplemental drawing exercise will consist of two “assigned” drawings 还有一个“激情”页面(如下所述).

Please note while the assigned drawings and “passion” page are not time-consuming or difficult to understand, we expect some applicants may find these requirements to be intimidating in subject matter and/or complexity. 申请人可能在技术上有困难 并对结果感到沮丧. 请放心,老师们 我更感兴趣的是
prospective applicant tackles such problems rather than whether or not an applicant “成功”本身.

We are evaluating how you address formidable challenges—for if you are accepted there 还会有更多吗. Please follow the 指令s, do your best, and submit your efforts regardless of how you feel about the results.

Your portfolio and application materials will be evaluated for creativity, thoughtfulness, 美学、纪律、技巧和工艺. 在展示你的作品时要小心 专业. 请仔细遵照所有指示.

*入学 到博鳌亚洲论坛动画奖 and 插图 is determined at the time students 申请入读这所大学. 有 无内部调动 进入BFA动画和插画.*

菠菜网lol正规平台动画 & 说明教师


Submissions not following these requirements will not be reviewed.

适用于动画 & 2024年秋季插图见 calstate.edu/apply 然后选择动画 & 演示程序.

Once you have submitted your Cal State Apply application, you will have 一个 week to complete the supplemental drawing exercises by following the 指令s below.


Submitting the supplemental drawing exercise to complete your application for admission 到博鳌亚洲论坛动画奖 &演示程序 at 菠菜网lol正规平台 is a digital process and requires you to create a SlideRoom account and pay a modest processing fee.

1. Create an Online Portfolio Review Account and Begin

In Cal State Apply, click on the SlideRoom tab in the Program Materials section. 然后, click on “去 SlideRoom” at the bottom of that page which will prompt you to create 一个帐户. On the account creation page, there is a video tutorial if you need assistance. Wait for the 电子邮件 from SlideRoom with your confirmation link. 点击链接 登录. 一旦你登录,你可以“开始一个新的提交”. 请选择菠菜网lol正规平台一&I Supplemental Drawing Exercises: [+semester] [+year] with the appropriate semester 你想要开始. (“菠菜网lol正规平台一&1补充绘画练习:秋季2024(例如). You will then be asked for some basic contact information.

2. Complete and Submit Two “Assigned” Drawings and the 激情的页面

These drawings are to be d一个 in a sketchbook or similar format. 大小和方向 are not critical, but something near an 8½" x 11" format is what we are expecting. We would like you to limit your drawing time to no more than 一个 hour for each. 集中注意力 on the quality of your effort rather than “finishing” the work. 工作可以在室内完成 任何媒体.

 1. 自画像
Using a mirror, draw a self-portrait from life, in any B+W media other than felt-tip markers, spending no more than 一个 hour on the drawing.

 2. 房间里画画
From life (direct observation), and using a ballpoint pen, sit in the corner of a 房间(客厅、咖啡馆或咖啡店等).),画出整个房间和 里面的所有东西,直到一小时的时限. 使用整个页面,甚至整个页面 spread in a sketchbook and draw out to all sides and fill the page.

 3. 激情的页面
In 一个 hour or less, creatively express whatever best captures your artistic passion and point of view in any medium, on a single page or submission: drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, assemblage, or an original comic book page. 表达自己, have fun, be original; there are no right answers. 然后在“附加”中 details" field in Slideroom or somewhere on the page, please include 一个 or two sentences to describe what we are looking at and why you chose to share this particular aspect 你自己的.

3. 添加媒体-上传您的作品

Step 1 is to scan or photograph your media and save in an appropriate file format (jpg, png, pdf, gif),每个最大5mb. 然后,上传你的媒体. 点击“选择”按钮 “电脑媒体”. Navigate through your file structure to find the appropriate 文件. 您可以批量上传. 将上文第2节中的项目添加为三个 提交.

第二步是添加标题和描述. 你的作品应该被标识为Title, 中,描述. Semester/Year information is optional and not required. 标题 of your file as you upload it becomes the title of the work, so name items thoughtfully 和适当的. 你必须提交总共3个项目.

4. 完成提交

When you have completed all of the information and have uploaded your supplemental drawing exercises then go to the next 一步 and finalize your submission. 你可能是 prompted to correct any information before completion. 您可以随时保存进度 一步. Once finalized you will be given a submission reference number and get a confirmation 电子邮件. 您也可以打印确认页.

If at any time you experience technical problems with the SlideRoom website, do not contact the 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty—contact the SlideRoom website, technical support staff. 而 we do not anticipate you will have problems with the website submission, do not wait until the last minute to submit your work as unanticipated problems are the responsibility 申请人的个人资料. Start early, and finish early, to ensure a successful 截止日期前提交.